authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.


Ayman is a project management expert who has consulted for numerous project management offices during his two decades of experience. He is PMP and PMO certified and has been invited to join the prestigious PMO Global Awards Judging Committee on several occasions. 他还持有战略认证, 领导, 以及来自PMI的流程改进和变更管理, HEC, 和哈佛大学, 分别.





虽然每个项目都不一样, a standardized set of 流程 and practices can simplify the management of multiple projects and maximize the chances for success. 许多企业使用 项目管理办公室(PMO) 为了提供这种一致性: 89%的组织 最近的一份报告发现,至少有一个PMO. 今天的项目管理办公室是一个卓越的中心, 提供专业知识, 支持, 以及组织内部的指导.

项目环境是动态的,并且 PMOs 帮助组织获得跨多个项目团队的一致性, 通过更好的治理和更好的风险管理. 与 59%的项目经理 现在同时运行两到五个项目, 还有11%的人同时做6到10件事, 项目管理办公室已经成为一个关键的支持功能. 许多成功的项目管理组织 与高层合作 to gain executive buy-in and ensure that the project portfolio is aligned with organizational strategy.

项目经理一次运行多少个项目? Rebel的《项目管理指南》发现,15%的人运行了一个项目, 59%的人跑2点到5点, 26%的人跑6次或更多.

越来越多的公司认识到项目管理办公室所能提供的价值, 但建立这样一个体系是一项复杂的任务, 有许多挑战需要克服,有许多选择需要做出. During my two decades in project management I have consulted for numerous PMOs and have gained insight into the skills needed to lead one and the best ways to approach implementation.


任何项目管理办公室的好坏取决于它的领导和执行. 在最佳运作时,项目管理办公室将:

  • Define, standardize, and maintain best practices and 流程 across departments.
  • 加强合规性和管治.
  • 提供方向和指导 项目经理.
  • Manage and allocate resources across projects based on schedules, priorities, and budgets.
  • Provide accurate, up-to-date financial and status reports to management and executive 领导.
  • Define project selection criteria and align the organizational portfolio with business 目标 and strategy.
  • Improve stakeholder collaboration and satisfaction by setting rules for project culture and cross-departmental communication, 以及关于方法论的一致培训, 技术, 最佳实践.

PMO vs. PM:有什么不同?

Although the PMO deals with project management, the two functions operate very differently. 以下是它们如何协同工作的高级视图:









A PMO的领袖 应:

  • 对项目管理方法和工具有扎实的理解.
  • Be a visionary with exceptional communication, interpersonal, and strategic skills.
  • Have experience with organizational change and know what is needed to make that happen.
  • 了解项目管理的最新趋势.

A common mistake executives make is to hand control of the PMO to their lead project manager. 这个人可能擅长管理项目, but the expertise they apply in day-to-day project management may not meet the required depth of knowledge around 标准, 流程, 或管理.


Just as with any project, when setting up a PMO, you need to assess, analyze, and plan. 遵循以下四个步骤可以成功实施:

1. 评估当前状态

在你开始之前,你必须考虑你想要的PMO类型. Think about what exactly it is that you want to achieve: What should the future state of project management in the organization look like? This will help you highlight the gaps and identify which areas the PMO will aim to address.

PMO有几种类型, 而选择哪一个会根据业务需要和情况而有所不同 项目管理成熟度 在公司内部(更成熟的组织可能需要更少的监督). 项目管理办公室按其控制的程度进行分类:

  • 支持: 支持性PMO的控制程度较低. 它通过提供培训、模板和最佳实践来支持所有项目. 它以顾问或顾问的身份运作.

  • 控制: 控制项目管理办公室检查项目管理工具是否, 标准, 过程也被应用到项目中. 它既是审计员又是顾问.

  • 指令: A directive PMO maintains a high degree of control and is responsible for the execution of projects. 项目经理向项目管理办公室汇报工作.

2. 创建路线图并定义kpi

A PMO is made up of three interdependent components: functional, structural, and disciplinary. Define how each component will operate to ensure there is no uncertainty around its responsibilities, 目标, 或者放在更广泛的业务背景下.


Understanding the scope and purpose of the PMO is an important step in determining how it will function. 这个组件可以是:

  • 设置标准: Establishing 流程, templates, and systems, as well as training and coaching 项目经理.
  • 投资组合管理: 选择与整体组织战略一致的项目.
  • 治理: Auditing and reviewing project management 流程 and ensuring 项目经理 are adhering to them.
  • 项目交付: 识别风险并监控进度.


You will also need to define the people, 流程, and tools that make up your PMO:

  • 人: The PMO team must be strategic thinkers well versed in project management methodologies and tools who are comfortable communicating with higher management.
  • 过程: 这些将基于项目管理办公室的学科组成部分(见下文)。. 流程应该是实用的、可适应的和可伸缩的.
  • 工具: 这些包含了项目管理办公室传播知识的所有方式, 从简单的模板到复杂的项目管理系统.



  • Resources such as people, equipment, tools, vendors, contracts, and other assets.
  • 项目经理和干系人之间的沟通, 特别是项目信息和状态报告.
  • 项目 to ensure key performance indicators (KPIs) and other metrics are within acceptable ranges and making adjustments to improve.
  • 通过识别和突出任何可能的风险来风险, 特别是那些由变更管理产生的.

既然您已经定义了干预的组件和领域, you can work with stakeholders to prioritize requirements and create a step-by-step roadmap that lays out a PMO strategy for setup and optimization.

接下来,确定 KPIs that will be used to measure PMO performance and how you will gather timely, accurate data. kpi可以围绕任务完成或里程碑构建, 已交付项目和规划的已实现收益, 跨投资组合的战略一致性, 资源利用率, 和更多的, 但你应该针对这些主要领域制定kpi:

  • 实践、方法和工具
  • 解决方案交付和执行
  • 监测与控制
  • 人员和能力

3. 实施项目管理办公室

组织变革 会很难,心态转变时保持耐心很重要. You should identify the most problematic 流程 and prioritize fixing these first, 尽可能自动化乏味的任务, 为截止日期设置通知和提醒. How 项目经理 respond to the introduction of a PMO will be a decisive factor in its success. 快速取得小的胜利可以帮助他们获得支持, 因为他们开始看到项目管理办公室可以提供的价值. 一定要认可项目经理的努力, 尽可能满足他们的需求, 并提供全面的支持和培训.

如果你的 组织规模很大, you can use pilot teams to gain feedback on changes before organizationwide rollout—this will give you the opportunity to make improvements and remedy any initial problems.

4. 定期回顾并改进

PMO不是一个停滞不前的实体,它将随着企业的发展而发展 项目经理的技能 知识,以及系统和工具的改进. 定期检查数据以监控性能并推动改进, 并随着项目管理办公室的成熟而不断更新kpi. The PMO must stay aligned with the organization; when business strategy shifts, 项目管理办公室的战略必须随之转变.

最终, every organization is different and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to PMO implementation. 它需要勤奋和细心. 尽量不要偏离你的目标, 记住总体目标, 定期与利益相关者沟通进展情况, 并及时解决任何问题.


一个执行良好的项目管理办公室有很多好处, 但是需要大量的努力和改变来建立. 而项目管理办公室通常被视为一种管理职能, 获得支持是其有效性的核心,不应该是事后的想法. 项目管理办公室应该成为加强问责制的催化剂, 协同作用, 和纪律, 最重要的是应该提高效率, 使项目经理能够事半功倍.


  • 项目管理办公室的角色是什么?

    The role of a 项目管理办公室(PMO) is to provide 支持 and guidance to 项目经理 across an organization and to ensure projects align with business strategy.

  • 拥有PMO的好处是什么?

    一个成功的项目管理办公室将带来许多好处, 包括加强问责制, 改善利益相关者的协作, 一致性, 提高效率.

  • 什么是PMO vs. a PM?

    A 项目管理办公室(PMO) operates in a different way than a project manager (PM). The PMO sets out the 流程 and resources that the PM will utilize in their projects. PM向PMO交付报告, which can then be used to offer project performance insights to organizational leaders.


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成员自 2020年7月20日


Ayman is a project management expert who has consulted for numerous project management offices during his two decades of experience. He is PMP and PMO certified and has been invited to join the prestigious PMO Global Awards Judging Committee on several occasions. 他还持有战略认证, 领导, 以及来自PMI的流程改进和变更管理, HEC, 和哈佛大学, 分别.

Toptalauthors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.





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